A team of neurosurgeons, a robot – and you – helped change Tyler’s life.

With the support and generosity of UHN Foundation donors, things are moving forward in my life. I can plan for a seizure-free life without the stress and worries of the past few years.” – Tyler, patient of University Health Network (UHN)

On the way to meet friends one winter night in 2017, Tyler’s truck slid and hit a tree as he backed out of his snow-covered driveway. He struck his head against the back windshield but felt fine.

Unfortunately, he was anything but.

For the next six months, Tyler suffered seizures at night without knowing they were happening. He would wake up feeling exhausted, sick, dizzy and lethargic – and had no idea why. Due to his symptoms, he couldn’t drive, had to close his contracting business and stopped playing hockey – a sport he’d enjoyed since he was a child.

It wasn’t until Tyler’s father witnessed him having a seizure that they realized something was very wrong.

Patients like Tyler come through the doors of our hospitals every day. They are scared. They are frustrated. But like so many of our success stories, after months of searching for answers, UHN’s specialized team of neurosurgeons and an innovative robot helped give Tyler his life back.

With the help of the robot – called a Neuromate – surgeons implanted electrodes deep into Tyler’s brain, allowing his clinical team to find the source of his seizures and determine that it was safe to remove the seizure-causing portion of his brain.

Tyler’s life is now finally back to normal – and he hasn’t had a seizure in more than two years.

“Because UHN Foundation donors invested in research and development like this, my life has changed for the better – and the technology will help more people who have to undergo similar surgeries,” says Tyler.

Your support funds groundbreaking research and drives innovation that elevates patient care. Help make a difference for patients like Tyler. Give today. 

UHN Foundation

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