Rally for Rehab 2024


Virtually everyone will be affected by disability at some point in their lives. Injuries, illnesses such as heart disease and stroke, or age-related health conditions can all limit functionality, disrupt daily routines and make it challenging to lead independent, active and engaged lives.

That’s why we’re participating in University Health Network’s (UHN’s) annual Rally for Rehab presented by BMO, and raising money in support of Toronto Rehab. As a proud member of Toronto Rehab, FIBRE at KITE has a transformative vesion to become the world's leading research platform for developing and commercializing smart wearable health technologies. Our mission is to make care accessible to people through technology by designing, introducing, and integrating smart textiles across the healthcare system.


Your support will help us to achieve our ambitious, yet achievable vision: to co-design and co-implement accessible technologies with diverse gropup of older adults across Canada so that older adults can age independently and with dignity in their place of choice.

On September 8, 2024, we’ll be walking with hundreds of other participants to support the incredible research being done at Toronto Rehab. 

Rally for Rehab is a fun and exciting way to rally for friends and loved ones who have been impacted by rehabilitation, helping them thrive and reach their full potential. With generous support from donors, we are making incredible happen and building a healthier world.

If you can support our team with a donation, your generosity would mean so much to us, and countless others. 

Thank you for helping our team Rally for Toronto Rehab!

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If you have questions please contact Christine Armstrong, Senior Events Officer, at 647-625-1308 or christine.armstrong@uhn.ca.