Virtually everyone will be affected by disability at some point in their lives. Injuries, illnesses such as heart disease and stroke, or age-related health conditions can all limit functionality, disrupt daily routines and make it challenging to lead independent, active and engaged lives.
Our amazing acute care hospitals do first class work saving lives and mitigating the impact of disease or trauma, and our rehab hospitals do incredible work helping those same patients to recover as much as possible and to live as independently as possible. I know this from experience. Following an accident in a taxicab in September 2013 that resulted in an incomplete spinal cord injury leaving me temporarily paralyzed from the shoulders down (even though I was wearing my seatbelt), I received wonderful care at one of our acute care hospitals followed by excellent care at Toronto Rehab’s Lyndhurst Centre. There I relearned to sit up, walk, feed myself, write, etc… – all the basics. I have continued to benefit from their expertise as I address permanent residual issues. Along the way I have learned about both the preventative research and the innovative research carried out across multiple disciplines and sites at Toronto Rehab, and the importance of supporting this institution whose research and innovation benefit all of us.
That’s why I’m participating in this year’s Rally for Rehab, presented by BMO, and raising money in support of University Health Network’s (UHN’s) Toronto Rehab. On September 8, 2024, I’ll be walking with others to support the incredible work being done at Toronto Rehab and its research institute, KITE.
Rally for Rehab is a fun and exciting way to rally for friends and loved ones who have benefitted from rehabilitation, helping them thrive and reach their full potential, and for those who will benefit in the future.
By participating I am making an impact in all areas of rehabilitation - clinical care, research and education at UHN – but most importantly, accelerating the patient journey in rehabilitation, today and tomorrow. With generous support from donors like you, we are making incredible happen and building a healthier world.
If you can support my fundraising page with a donation of any amount, your generosity would mean a lot to me and many others.
Thank you for your support as we rally for Toronto Rehab!