Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network
Whether it’s developed at birth or later in life, a result of lifestyle or genetics, detectable early or late, the fact remains: heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
For 30 years, the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre team has cared for patients with the most complex cases of heart and vascular disease, all while conducting critical research to improve patient outcomes.
This history is layered with moments where they’ve built what doesn’t exist, done what nobody has tried, and brought hope when all seemed lost.
In other words: they’ll do whatever it takes for their patients.
This is the mission that binds the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre team together - from surgeons to scientists, nurses to lab technicians, fellows to medical students. They know that when you or your loved one is faced with such a life-altering, life-threatening disease, you want a team who will do whatever it takes to get you through it.
Dr. Thomas Lindsay, Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Toronto
The aorta is the main blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. It can dilate (aneurysm) or split (dissection) and in either case, the complications may be fatal. In 99% of cases, patients with an aortic aneurysm are asymptomatic until it ruptures and in 80% of these cases, the patient doesn’t reach the hospital in time.
The Centre of Excellence in Aortic Disease at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (i) provides care for patients with the most complex cases of aortic disease and (ii) conducts research to prevent the onset of the disease and improve outcomes for those diagnosed.
While most centres treat a specific section of the aorta, our multidisciplinary team has the expertise to treat the whole aorta - every segment and every vessel. At the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, one team of experts provides holistic, patient-centered care.
Our team is focused on preventing aortic aneurysms by answering some of the most pressing research questions: who is at greatest risk for an aneurysm? What causes an aorta to dissect? Why do some small aneurysms rupture while other large aneurysms do not?
Through genetics research, bioengineering, clinical trials, and utilizing infrastructure only available at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, our team will get the answers we need to improve patient outcomes and build a new future for patients with aortic disease.
The William Michael Foley Scholarship was established to train the next generation of surgeons and researchers. By encouraging an early interest in unique and important specialties, the funds raised will help to advance research projects while identifying and inspiring up-and-coming leaders.
Dr. Thomas Lindsay and the team at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre in the Centre of Excellence in Aortic Disease at UHN have the greatest expertise in the country with multidisciplinary and comprehensive care, meaning that the endovascular, open and hybrid repairs are done by one team. They accelerate innovative research with access to the latest equipment and technology, and have people travel to them from all over the world for best-in-class training and education.
In creating the William Michael Foley Scholarship in Vascular Surgery, the Foley Family has created a lasting legacy to honour Mike by supporting promising new Peter Munk Cardiac Centre clinician scientists with resources essential to advance research in aneurysms, stroke, aortic disease and vascular disease.