To celebrate the life of Carl Wycliffe Hicks, Sr., in lieu of flowers it would be appreciated by the family that memorial donations be directed to the ACB kidney program, within the Centre for Living Organ Donation at the UHN (University Health Network) Foundation:
Please click "Donate Now"; or visit or call 416-603-5300 for more information about donations.
Carl Wycliffe Hicks, Sr. was born in San Nicolas, Aruba on March 27, 1952. With his parents and siblings he moved to Canada March 1968. He was artistic, creative, inquisitive, loved technology, and had a gift for connecting with people.
Amongst other things, he was also a kidney failure survivor in 2012, and an eventual kidney transplant recipient in 2017. This became a huge part of his life. And desiring to channel his kidney failure and kidney transplant experience in as much of a meaningful, helpful, productive, and positive direction as possible, he became a passionate patient partner participant at the University Health Network (UHN).
Specifically as part of their “ACB Organ Health YouTube Channel Advisory Committee”; part of the The Centre for Living Organ Donation at UHN: (copy and paste into browser):
... His body passed away in Scarborough, Ontario on July 17, 2022, and his soul and spirit awakened in an indescribably glorious place, where he is now seeing, hearing, and encountering inexpressible sights and sounds, too amazing and wonderous for words – in heaven.
Link to OneDrive photo tribute for Carl Wycliffe Hicks, Sr. (copy and paste into browser):
Link to Memorial video for Carl Wycliffe Hicks, Sr. (copy and paste into browser):
Link to YouTube Video: “Mr Hicks' Kidney Journey” by The Centre for Living Organ Donation at UHN (copy and paste into browser):
Link to YouTube Video: “Mr Hicks' Story” by The Centre for Living Organ Donation at UHN (copy and paste into browser):
Link to YouTube Video: "Lunch & Learn: Addressing Racial and Cultural Barriers in Living Kidney Donation" by The Centre for Living Organ Donation at UHN. (copy and paste into browser):
(The UHN Foundation raises funds for research, education and the enhancement of patient care at Toronto General, Toronto Western, Princess Margaret hospitals, Toronto Rehab, as well as the Michener Institute of Education at UHN.)